LED Wall of awesome nearly funded!
by Dan Royer
Several weeks ago our wonderful wall of LEDs returned to it’s Burning Man owners. It was 10×42 pixels and loved by all.
Every $30 will pay for one 8×8 panel of LEDs and a power supply. Just like the old wall it will be totally programmable through the Raspberry Pi. When the parts arrive I will host a group build party for all donors at VHS. Come decorate and assemble your panel in an afternoon of fun. Rainbows everywhere!
I’m also accepting $60 order of one-for-vhs-and-one-for-you. Take what you learn home and apply it to your next project. Burning Man? BITF? Bike Rave? Work less party? Halloween? So many good reasons! Please make clear this is what you want or I will assume you are donating two panels.
Minimum Goal
The minimum goal is to get 6×2 panels ($360) for a new wall that’s 48×16 LEDs.
Achieved 2014-07-08
Stretch Goals
If we get more donors than needed we’ll put the pixels closer together for a more detailed picture.
6×3 panels ($540)
12×2 panels ($720)
12×3 panels ($1080)
12×4 panels ($1440)
Donate Before…
This funding drive will end 2014-07-21.
Send your donation via Paypal to dan at marginallyclever dot com, or cash/credit card in person at VHS on Tuesdays from 20:00 to 22:00.